dpa as an employer
For more than 70 years, we have stood for news journalism with the highest quality standards. With a global network of journalists, dpa ensures a factual representation of world events.
Facts & figures
These figures refer to the year 2021 and are included in the dpa Annual Report . The same applies to the information on employees, which represents an annual average.
dpa Group employees
Journalistic members of staff worldwide (approx.)
Locations in Germany and abroad (approx.)
Your benefits
The satisfaction of our employees is our top priority. In addition to a good salary, flexible working hours, and various training and development opportunities, we offer many other benefits depending on the role and location.
Work-life balance
As a family-friendly company, we always find individual solutions for balancing family and career. Mobile office, flexible working hours, and at least 30 days of vacation are naturally part of the package for our employees.
Continuing education
We organize and promote continuing education on an individual basis. In addition, there are internal courses such as the dpa Sales Academy or our management development programme.
Flat hierarchies
A collegial atmosphere is indispensable for us – no matter in which area you join us!
Our new working environments have ergonomic and modern workplace equipment. Company medical care is provided at the various locations.