Factual and PR-free news content
Consumer news, made easy
With 50+ friendly and fun stories every week, dpa trends & features covers the hottest topics in tech, travel, mobility and lifestyle, as well as easy-to-read tips on food, healthy living, parenting and pets. We provide news and reviews on the most sought-after consumer news topics from a network of global reporters and industry, as well as gripping feature stories from around the world. The service inludes specialist articles that answer common questions designed for web success through more SEO hits. We are among the first to test and review major consumer products, such as new smartphones, cars and gaming releases. We profit from a tight network of international correspondents with a permanent presence in more than 80 countries, as well as a large team of reporters specialized in areas like technology, mobility, gaming, travel, streaming and health, as well as ongoing cooperation with around 70 national and international news agencies.
Profit from journalistic independence and dpa's quality standards
Neutral and factual
Articles without promotional aspects of corporate PR
Increased engagement
Timeless themes, permanently usable, data-informed
Timely product tests will be delivered before or upon market launch. Our content is ready to upload to your website or print on your consumer pages and weekend supplements.
Each story is illustrated with captioned pictures. The service includes dpa Notepad with editorial notes, additional information, contact persons and links. The latest top content is highlighted in regular weekly newsletters.
What are the topics?
Includes tech and gaming news and reviews on brands like Apple and Samsung, exclusive photos from product launches and useful tips on tech use.
Includes mobility trends like driverless cars and e-scooters, car tests with captioned photos and write-ups of new car releases.
Includes reports from the world's must-visit cities and tourist hotspots, illustrated travel features and major tourism news.
Includes fashion, interior design and work-life trends, pet advice and animal know-how as well as kitchen tips and easy recepies.
Includes evergreen lifehacks for better living, countless captioned photos for easy slideshows and plenty more fun content, seven days a week.
Includes health trends and tips, illustrated articles about family and kids and easily explained scientific studies.
Includes illustrated features providing a narrative about remarkable people and places around the world, and accompanied by striking photos ideal for both online and print use.
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